I made _.

From code to wood

Embracing the label of a polymath, my insatiable curiosity drives me to delve into uncharted territories and be curious while obtaining diverse skills. Although I initially ventured into the realm of computer science during my college years, the problem solving wasn't enough and I craved creativity, prompting me to adopt visual communications as a second major in my junior year.

Constantly intrigued by the intricate mechanisms of our world and the underlying patterns shaping human behavior, I am not confined to a singular domain. From coding to woodworking, the drive to understand why and how things work has led me to explore a wide range of interests and tinkering opporunities. I'm like a skill-acquiring ninja – learn fast, apply faster!

This page is my little showcase of projects that not only show off what I can do but also highlight the awesome lessons I've picked up along the way. It's all about growing, staying dynamic, and keeping the creative vibes flowing.

  1. <code>

  2. <built>

  3. <visual creations>

Trunk Club
Trunk Club
CS App Load Screen
CS App Load Screen
CS App Home Screen
CS App Schedule Screen
CS App Home Screen

♥ R.A.F. approved 2024